Thursday, January 22, 2015

Winter 2015 - live longer with better choices

Welcome back to another year!

On the staff front, Carah will be leaving us at the end of January.  We are sad to see her go after being such a wonderful person to work with, but we can’t fault her reason.  She is expecting her first child next month.  Best wishes to her and her new family.

Joining us is Nancy Wright, who comes with an extensive background in medical office work, care coordination, and assisting.  She is going to be a great addition to our office.

Some important information from the ongoing world of research:

Class 4 Laser (the type we have in our office) has been shown to be helpful for treatment of rotator cuff tendonopathy, tennis elbow, and mild to moderate knee arthritis. If interested in references to the involved studies, please contact me and I will be happy to provide them.

Lifestyle choices can either age you or prolong the quality and quantity of your life.  Four major factors have a huge effect in determining your overall health: exercise, smoking, diet, and stress in that order.

People who make the right lifestyle choices in these four categories live an average of 14 years longer than those that make the wrong decisions.  Another way of viewing it is that the comparable age of a mid 50’s person making the wrong lifestyle choices will be 12 years older than their contemporaries.  

Improving any of these will positively and beneficially affect one’s health and life expectancy, and the more, the better.  

Dr. Hoang has obtained the postgraduate designation of Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician®.  The CCSP® certification requires the doctor to complete a 100 hour postgraduate program and pass a comprehensive written examination.  This instruction is specific to physical fitness and the evaluation and treatment of injuries encountered in sports along with emergency on field procedures.  

Dr. Hoang is also working on becoming a Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians®.  Obtaining this status requires successful completion of 200 hours postgraduate education in the DACBSP® Program, a comprehensive written exam, a six-station practical exam, an approved written abstract presented at the annual ACBSP™ symposium, and 100 hours of practical experience in the field.  Less than 350 individuals hold this designation worldwide.

If you have any sports injury treatment or prevention questions for yourself or child, Dr. Hoang is available for consultation.


Kina released her second major album last year and has almost completed her second World Tour, leaving in a few weeks to tour the southern USA from Florida to San Diego.  It has taken her from Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, across the US and Canada, and twice through Europe.  It has been an excellent tour and she has had a lot of exciting times. 

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